client results

these are their stories, and ours

Alexander and Patrick Mavros

Top 1%

Your growth rate is in the top 1% of over one million brands on Shopify.

Kristy Fortin, Shopify Plus
Client anonymized upon request

Outdoor gear maker

After a quarterly review report on results from our List Reset service, our client replied with only this Big Lebowski gif. Imagine if you felt similarly enthusiastic, what gif would you choose?

ebusiness pros were recommended by a fellow veteran entrepreneur. I had no idea how to restart my email marketing campaigns.

“The team delivered beyond expectations, adding thousands of dollars to our monthly sales. They took the time to provide instruction on how to navigate Klaviyo as they built custom flows.

I highly recommend ebusiness pros for small businesses ready to skyrocket their sales and improve their customer experience. “

Charlynda Scales

Founder, Mutt’s Sauce LLC

Consolidate customer data across 6 sources, rebuild email list, see details

An email list come back to life! This chart shows data collected before and after the 3 month List Reset service we completed for an outdoor gear brand’s email list. The arrow’s decline shows the count of addresses that ‘never opened’ an email.

“When we work with people like you, it’s at a different level. There’s so much that we can start to apply… We were missing a huge component of our ecommerce business… There’s so much that I’m wrapping my head around as I care for this brand.”

Jen Perry

CEO, Jelt

Email channel growth

This classic animated gif arrived in our inbox from a client in the outdoor category after revenue for the quarter showed a 3.4X growth over prior year. The prior 6 months we implemented Flow automations, combined with segmented Campaign sending, as part of our Email Marketing agency services.

“What we’ve accomplished with our ecommerce direct-to-consumer business is something that not only couldn’t have grown to the level it’s at now, but couldn’t have been done in the time that’s it taken. We’d be years behind if we hadn’t used someone like you.

“Did I say how I’m a big fan of Klaviyo, thanks to you?”

Rick Prest

President, HH&M

Revenue from email ‘Flows’ automations – see details

“If a brand commits to going DTC ecommerce, you have to have more than a message, more than a mission. You can wing it for awhile, but at some point you have got to build infrastructure.

“After we broke the $1M mark and made the development of our front-office team a priority, you helped me steer them into their best roles.

“And you support us where we’re weak: for example, analytics. Also, you’re like a Klaviyo ninja, which we’re not!”

Jim Markel

CEO, Red Oxx Manufacturing, Inc.

Revenue attributed to email over 6 years. Before was periodic newsletters only. After includes email automations, Klaviyo flows.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! Queen G, savin’ the day out here! 😝

“No, but really. This is awesome and I really appreciate you taking the time to get this automation set up for us. It is a true game changer!”


Customer Service at Shopify / Amazon focused independent brand, The work was to set up a Gorgias help desk, CallRail phone system, and extra Shopify apps to enhance automations


“From technology to marketing to product management to strategic business decisions, you solve problems. You do so in a clear and forward-thinking way that I find incredibly valuable.

“Based on the growth and success of the merchants who’ve engaged with you, as well as on the myriad discussions we’ve had over the years, I strongly recommend you for any business wanting to get that extra clarity, focus, and push.”

Brett Florio

“You understand the integration of technology and business. There’s not a lot of people who have legs in both fields, who can translate the needs of a business into what the technology demands for it. Being that bridge is your unique skill.

“And after 18 years, you’re dead on reliable, dead on trustworthy.

“That’s not just a pleasure, it’s also a type of security you just don’t get often in the world.”

Debra Ross

CEO,, New York

“Clients look for deep expertise and knowledge, and you have a very sophisticated understanding of the web and ecommerce.

To say we’ve generated $10M of revenue off the platform you helped us create is not unreasonable. It was more than valuable, it was essential.

I should probably put a little footnote on my tombstone somewhere: “I’m thankful for [ebusiness pros].”

Doug Fletcher

Entrepreneur and author, How Clients Buy

“As we go from being a B2B manufacturer to also a B2C retailer, we need be careful. We need to take care of ALL of our customers and markets. You’ve helped us make decisions around how and when we change. So you’re accelerating our growth and helping us steer through the curves.”

D. P.

Entrepreneur, Manufacturer, Arizona

you could make changes like this

start with a conversation

“I could not recommend you higher because you give the business owner that inside view of what the strategies need to be for long term success…You helped us really understand where our best target market would be online.”

Spencer Williams

CEO, West Paw Design, Montana

“We’ve taken a look at the [email optin lead magnet] and it aligns perfectly with the strategy…. The existing funnel you’ve outlined, along with the series of emails delivering the [lead magnet] and guiding users towards relevant products, is a fantastic foundation and can enhance our targeted approach.

“Your insights have been invaluable, and we’re looking forward to collaborating further to enhance [store owner’s] paid traffic strategy.  Thanks for your proactive involvement!”

Michael Erickson Facchin

SEM PPC Pro, Founder, Search Scientist