Retention insights
Fast delivery myth: why ecommerce customers will wait, and wait, and wait… When your customers become invested in the story behind your product, they are more willing to be flexible with their expectations for delivery. Amazon has groomed us into expecting nothing less than...
Ecommerce equals automated & scalable? Myth
Beware scalability myths. Ecommerce orders can flow in faster than they flow out. Build a buffer that anticipates messy human customers.
The hidden cost of mistaking customers for fans
In an online environment mediated by digital screens, where there’s no limit to the email automations or photos we publish, that’s when we ignore what would otherwise be obvious in an off-line context: we’re giving what’s not wanted. We think because it’s digital there’s no cost, but there is. Some customers neither care nor want this kind of communication. They are not fans, not yet. They’ll tune you out. Watch this video to understand about the timing in relationships, the level of attachment, and what you need to do before moving to the next level.
Is it ‘too cheeky’ to ask for a VIP discount?
Avoiding the discount death spiral